Good Morning!


Cade’s five year well check is today and I took the morning off work to take him. He’s scared of shots and I’m don’t like it when my babies cry. 

My mom came to get Austin to take him to school for a field trip- (because apparently, 1st graders go on field trips and their mommas don’t worry so much), so I’m in my pajamas (prounounced: pa-ja-mas) in the middle of the week at 0740 on a Wednesday…  
My coffee is warm and I’m not stuck in rush hour traffic downtown. 
This life of mine looks nothing like I thought it would. But it’s mine and I’m loved and I have hope that eventually it’ll all work itself out. 
A friend has been trying for months to teach me that everything can be simple, it doesn’t have to be complicated… It can just be what it is, and what it is can be ok… 
I’m learning and I’m taking it all one day at a time, sometimes one minute at a time… And it feels much like a deployment- my mentality is much the same; except whenever the end comes, I know it won’t be my husband I welcome home, but a better version of myself…
So, I’ll sit here and drink hot coffee on a Wednesday morning in my pajamas (prounounced: pa-ja-mas) and listen to Cade hum his way through a book. Soon, I’ll take him to the doctor and kiss his tear-stained cheeks before I send him off to school… I’ll make my 30 minute drive into the office and get some work done and at the end of the day, I’ll come home to my crazy boys. We’ll sit around the table at dinner and tell what we’re thankful for, because it’s November and that’s what we do. When it’s darker than dark, I’ll tuck the boys into bed and I’ll stand in their doorway and pray that I’m doing something right…. 
Because it’s simple. And it doesn’t have to be complicated… 
And what it is, is more than ok…

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